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The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in English speaking countries. It is created and administered by the Educational Testing Service and consists of three graded sections and one research or experimental section that is not included in the reported score. Sections may appear in any order on the test, with the exception of the Analytic Writing section, which always appears first.

One graded multiple-choice section is always a verbal section, consisting of analogies, antonyms, sentence completion, and reading comprehension passages. This section primarily tests vocabulary, and average scores in this section are substantially lower than those in the quantitative section.

The quantitative section, the other multiple-choice section, consists of problem solving and quantitative comparison questions that test high-school level math.

Multiple-choice response sections are graded on a scale of 200-800, in 10 point increments. The writing section is graded on a scale of 0-6, in half-point increments. Each essay is scored by at least two readers on a six-point holistic scale. If the two scores are within one point, the average of the scores is taken. If the two scores differ by more than a point, a third reader examines the response.



IELTS is the International English Language Testing System.

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The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL , pronounced "toe-full")

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SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States

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The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test

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The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is a standardized assessment

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